8 Month Old Baby Isabelle

We took photos of big brother Thomas when he was 8 months old, so it was a pure delight to have baby Isabelle in the studio at the same age. Wow Thomas sure had grown up with so much personality. Thanks Sarah and Craig for coming into the studio, it was great to see you […]

Baby Tyler | Forster Newborn Photographer

Baby Coen | Forster Newborn Photographer

Four Month Old Baby Asha – Forster Newborn Photographer

Here are a few photos from four month old baby Asha’s session. She was just a pure delight to have in the studio. It appeared that during the photo shoot little miss Asha had discovered her tongue and just wanted to poke it out in just about all photos, such a little treasure. ~ Rhonda […]

Baby Zara – Newborn Photographer, Forster

It was with great pleasure to have this beautiful family in the studio again. This time with their new beautiful baby girl Zara. We have captured so many important life events for Emma and Anthony, from their wedding day, family portraits, xmas mini shoots and newborn sessions. It’s so lovely to see their gorgeous little […]

Happy 1st Birthday Malachi – Cake Smash Session

Happy 1st Birthday Malachi! We had Malachi and his lovely parents in the studio for a newborn session, so it was very exciting to see Malachi for his first birthday. Wow he had grown up so much and boy did he enjoy the cake smash session! Thanks Donna and Phillip for bringing Malachi into the […]

Happy 1st Birthday Arjan

Arjan was very unsure with all the attention on his first birthday, but relaxed and gave us a few smiles into the session. What a cutie he was, Happy 1st birthday Arjan! ~ Rhonda  

Baby Zedd

Mel shot Matthew and Karen’s wedding so it was so wonderful when they came into the studio with there newborn baby boy Zedd. Thanks so much Karen and Matt, we hope you love your sneak peek. ~ Rhonda

Baby Avanah – Newborn Photographer, Forster

Baby Oliver – Forster Newborn Photographer

We had the pleasure of having baby Oliver along with his Mum and Dad in the studio. Here are a few photos from Oliver’s Newborn session. Thanks Emily and Thorne it was lovely to meet you. ~ Rhonda Photos By Mel

Baby Sophie – Forster Newborn Photographer

It was so nice to have this lovely family in the studio again. We have captured so many different milestones  for them from pregnancy, Charlie’s newborn and many other sessions of Charlie. What a very proud big brother Charlie is to Sophie. Thank you Travis and Chloe for allowing Mel to capture these beautiful photos […]

Baby Reece

Baby Chelsea – Forster Newborn Photographer

Mel had the pleasure of capturing some beautiful newborn photos of baby Chelsea along with big sister Ruby-Rose. Thank you Simone and Scott, we hope you love your sneak peek. ~ Rhonda

Baby Maxwell | Forster Newborn Photographer

Baby Maxwell came all the way from Maitland for his newborn session. Mel also photographed his big brother Jayden when he was a newborn. Thanks so much Casey for coming all the way to Tuncurry for Mel to capture photos of your precious boys. ~ Rhonda For more information on our newborn photography go to […]

Baby Ayla | Forster Newborn Photographer

Baby Angus

Little baby Angus came all the way from Maitland for his newborn session. It was so lovely to see this family grow as Mel captured his big sister Sienna newborn session. Wow what a beautiful little girl Sienna is and she was so patient and well behaved throughout the whole session. Thanks Adrian and Stacey […]