” Erin and Lawrence’s Harrington Wedding ” | Harrington Wedding Photographers | Shane Chalker Photography

Erin and Lawrence were married on Saturday the 13th of December 2014. Their ceremony was at the the beautiful Harrington Chapel, followed by a reception at Harrigans. It was amazingly a beautiful day after some very wet days leading up to the wedding. Mel said it was a lovely relaxed day and they were granted  […]

” Lisa And Benn’s Wedding Day ” | Harrington Wedding Phootgrapher | Shane Chalker Photography

Ben and Lisa were married at the Harrington Chapel by wedding celebrant Debra Steber on the 6th of December 2014. Lisa’s dress was custom made by well known designer Richard Cook and he was on hand to make sure it all fitted as it should. The dress didn’t disappoint and looked amazing. Ben would honestly […]

” Sarah and David’s Wedding Day ” | Mid North Coast Wedding Photographer | Shane Chalker Photography

Sarah and Dave were married on Back Beach Crowdy Head on the 1st of November 2014 by celebrant Debra Steber. It was a hive of activity where the girls were getting ready with only a fairly small house accommodating  the 5 bridesmaids, 5 junior bridesmaids and of course the bride. Sarah was flat-out trying to […]

” Karen And Matt’s Wedding Day ” | Sunshine, Rain, Sunset | Taree Wedding Photographer | Shane Chalker Photography

Karen and Matt were married on the 27th of September. An intimate ceremony was held at Karen’s parents farm with Debbie Steber followed by some photos in the garden. Keys were given to the bride and groom with messages of love and support. Karen and Matt’s day brought them sunshine, rain and an amazing sunset. […]

” Morgan and Chris’s Wedding Day ” | Forster Wedding Photographer | Shane Chalker Photography

Morgan and Chris were married at the Chatham Uniting church on the 23rd August 2014. It was a rainy dull morning but as it often happens the rain cleared right on queue and hardly a drop fell throughout the afternoon. The bride arrived in a classic, bright orange Ford hot rod. After the newlyweds had […]